Thursday, October 16, 2014

Almond Diet

Phase one of Separating from your Husband of 10 years and realizing you need to be divorced- I lost my cooking passion and effort. I didn't want to cook. I was sad, felt alone. I had been on a healthy eating kick for 6 months and decided I didn't have the energy to cook anymore. So at night I would feed the kids, "kid food," and have almonds for dinner. I recently discovered how much I love almonds on a girls beach trip. They are amazing and come in all flavors and they are healthy. But likely not if you eat a whole can which I had been known to do. Crazy things happen to you when stressful times arise, such as, The Almond Diet, as I like to call it. I learned a lot about myself in this time and know that everything happens for a reason.

My New Life

I have been MIA on the blog the past two years. My life had taken an unexpected but long overdue turn. I am recently separated and heading towards divorce. I had lost who I was in my marriage and now am much happier and getting the old, "me," back. I am hoping to post some new quick recipes now that I am a single half time mom. I also have been doing lots of light, low calorie meals and have lost a lot of weight. At any rate, blogging and cooking was a happy time in my life and I want to reclaim that part of me. After all I could use some, "therapy," in rediscovering myself. Cooking has always been calming and therapeutic for me. Thanks for coming along for the ride. -jennifer